
e-Patient Reported Outcomes

Acceliant's ePatient Reported Outcomes platform helps capture and manage patient data in a secure environment

Outcomes reported by patients and documented in electronic format help streamline clinical trials and comply with regulations. Acceliant's ePatient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) platform helps capture and manage patient data in a highly secure environment. It is compatible with diverse technologies and data channels, including Web / mobile and smartphone / tablet.


Our ePRO platform is vertically integrated with the  electronic data capture module to provide a seamless two-way flow of data. This integration ensures consistency in data and a consolidated audit trail of patient data.

Data standardization

Our data management processes provide a consolidated view by standardizing data across ePRO and EDC modules.They deliver compelling benefits such as reporting across several parameters, including regulatory compliance; configuration of results in several formats, query management, and data locking.


Acceliant offers advisory services for ePRO projects in clinical trials. Our suite of services includes instrument and platform selection, interface and usability review, and questionnaire formulation during the form design phase, and psychometric validation for regulatory compliance. In addition, our consultants undertake validation studies including usability testing, content validation, cognitive debriefing interviews, and quantitative equivalence testing.


Our platform allows patients to enroll and register for the trial, thereby saving time and cost to develop and manage case report forms (CRFs). An intuitive interface enables patients to enter data about their quality of life, adverse event(s), and other assessments. It provides multi-lingual support to enhance ease of use for patients.

Watch: How we add value

Want to know more? Talk to us.

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